Books [Aidan Finn] Learn Swift



Swift is a wonderful language that gives you an easy entry-point into the Apple developer ecosystem. If you've been put off developing for OS X and iOS because of the need to learn objective-c, now is the time to start.

The jump to Swift from languages like ruby and python is small compared to the previous chasm to objective-c. Swift provides all the features you've come to expect form a modern languge as well as some cutting edge capabilities. Once you've learned Swift, you'll find it easier to create robust, fast programs than was previously the case.

This tutorial walks you through the features of the languag while allowing you to leverage your existing programming knowledge to get up-to-speed quickly.

With this handson guide, you'll quickly be writing Swift code, using Playgrounds to instantly see the results of your work.

About the Authors
  • Aidan Finn has been programming for longer than he can remember. He has a Phd in computer science and he has worked as a freelance programmer for the last 10 years, bulding apps for clients ranging from small startups to Fortune 500 companies. In that time he has worked professionally with many different programming languages including ruby, python, clojure, javascript and objective-c.


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