Books [Bryan Mealy, Fabrizio Tappero] Free Range VHDL: The No-frills Guide to Writing Powerful Code for Your Digital Implementations



This book is a fundamental guide to develop the skills necessary to write powerful VHDL code. The approach taken by this book is to provide only what you need to know to get up and running quickly in VHDL.

As with all learning, once you have obtained and applied some useful information, it is much easier to build on what you know as opposed to continually adding information that is not directly applicable to the subjects at hand.

The purpose of this book is to provide students and young engineers with a guide to help them develop the skills necessary to be able to use VHDL for introductory and intermediate level digital design. These skills will also give you the ability and the confidence to continue on with VHDL-based digital design.

The intent of this book is to present topics to someone familiar with digital logic design and with some skills in algorithmic programming languages such as Java or C. The information presented here is focused on giving a solid knowledge of the approach and function of VHDL. With a logical and intelligent introduction to basic VHDL concepts, you should be able to quickly and efficiently create useful VHDL code.

VHDL is an extremely powerful tool. The more you understand as you work and study with VHDL, the more it will enhance your learning experience independently of your particular area of interest. The concept of using software to design hardware that is controlled by software will definitely provide you with endless hours of contemplation.



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