Books [Corey Sandler] Laptops For Dummies Quick Reference 2nd Edition


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27 Авг 2018


If you’re a part of the business world, chances are that you need to use a laptop for mobile computing. Newly revised and updated to serve as a valuable guide for anyone who operates a laptop computer, Laptops for Dummies Quick Reference, 2nd Edition is an indispensable guide that’s perfect for when you’re on the road.

You’ll learn how to select the perfect laptop to take with you on the road and you’ll find out how to install or activate WiFi, Bluetooth, wired Ethernet, satellite, and other communication media to keep you connected to the business world. Now you can make sure that you will choose the best software for mobile computing and manage all your files and accounts safely and securely. You’ll be prepared to fix or work around common hardware and software failures so that you can proceed with your tasks.

You will:

  • Become familiar with all your laptop’s components
  • Organize and manage files and accounts
  • Deal with repairs, unusual or non-standard power sources, and alternate means of communication
  • Properly equip your laptop carrying case with tools and resources
  • Add software tools to synchronize and update files between a laptop, a PDA, and a desktop or office server
In addition to the basics, learn keyboard shortcuts for Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, find troubleshooting advice, and cool things you can add to your laptop in Laptops for Dummies Quick Reference, 2nd Edition, a convenient and handy guide!



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