Books [Doug Sahlin, Chris Botello] YouTube for Dummies



YouTube For Dummies takes the classic Dummies tact in helping tech novices get a handle on a popular technology that more tech-savvy audiences consider "simple." With so much content on YouTube getting media attention, more first-timers are jumping on the site and they need help. The book also helps the next step audience of users looking to add content to YouTube. Content includes: Watching the Tube - includes getting your PC ready for YouTube viewing, finding video, signing up for an account, and creating favorites. Loading Video to YouTube-covers the nuts and bolts of shooting video, transferring it to a PC, editing it, and sending it up to YouTube. Bringing Along YouTube-covers the various ways you can use YouTube video in places other than on the site. Includes mobile YouTube and adding videos to your MySpace page or another Web site. I Always Wanted To Direct-explores how to use YouTube's directors program to upload longer video, use the site for marketing, or launch your own videoblog.



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