Бизнес Dropshipping + Facebook + Shopify Master Class WORK ANYWHERE

Курс по дропшипингу
Курс на Английском, но есть отдельные файлы субтитров на английском, что позволит перевести на русский при необходимости
На складчике вроде бы намечался перевод данной темы, но так пока и не состоялось
Кто хочет, может переводить файлы субтитров через гугл переводчик
Курс вроде ниче так, дает основы - пока до конца еще не посмотрел

Чему я научусь?
  • Set Up a Shopify webstore and fill it with awesome products
  • Advertise your webstore store using facebook
  • Never Pay out of pocket for products -- have suppliers send directly to customers

  • Be able to Navigate the internet
  • Highly recommended you have some experience buying or selling online

In this course, I will show you how to choose and create a lasting business relationship with your AliExpress vendor. While AliExpress is very easy to use, it is also very easy to misuse, or not use optimally. I will show you what to look for and what to look out for.
Let me show you how to get your webstore started with one of the most powerful and easiest webstore creators out there!
I'll take you step-by-step and spoon-feed you every step to making your webstore, and show you some tricks to make your site soar past the competition.
We will:
Set up a webstore
Make it beautiful
Use the app-store to put products in your store
Set-up Drop shipping
and streamline as much as possible so that your eCommerce business is as self sufficient as possible.
Facebook is THE social media platform. Everyone aged from 11 to 90 are on facebook and that is where you should be advertising.
In this course I will teach you:
How to create an ad on facebook
Find and target an audience for your ad
Bring in traffic. Bring in conversions. and keep your audience engaged with your brand
Stay on the cutting edge with the latest updates by follow Colton Shuell (Entreprenuer) on Facebook and Colton Shuell on Snap Chat
**NEW!!** Stay current with eCommerce news and trends. Join my eCommerce Mastermind group on Facebook!
Какова целевая аудитория?
  • entrepreneurs
  • web-builders
  • ecommerce people



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