Books [Ed Robinson, Michael James Bond, Ian Oliver] Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET



This book is a complete technical guide to upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6 applications to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, it covers all aspects of upgrading from APIs to ZOrders. This book includes chapters on fixing upgrade issues with forms, language, data access and COM+ Services. It also shows how to add value to your upgraded applications with XML Web Services, ADO.NET and .NET remoting. Its has 'big picture' architectural advise, and includes a reference of function and object model changes from Visual Basic 6. The text is is decorated with hundreds of before-and-after code samples, and the companion CD is packed with useful upgrade examples. This book is an essential reference for the millions of Visual Basic 6 programmers who are considering moving up to Visual Basic .NET.

About the Authors
  • Ed Robinson and Mike Bond both work on the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET development team, and Robert Oliver works in the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET application porting lab. As well as having years of industry experience and an intimate knowledge of Visual Basic.NET, Ed and Mike helped design and develop the Visual Basic .NET application upgrade technologies, and Robert has spent several years upgrading applications to Visual Basic .NET.


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