Books [Eric Windmill] Flutter in Action



With Flutter, you can build mobile applications using a single, feature-rich SDK that includes everything from a rendering engine to a testing environment. Flutter compiles programs written in Google’s intuitive Dart language to platform-specific code so your iOS and Android games, utilities, and shopping platforms all run like native Java or Swift apps.

This book teaches you to build professional-quality mobile applications using the Flutter SDK and the Dart programming language. You'll begin with a quick tour of Dart essentials and then dive into engaging, well-described techniques for building beautiful user interfaces using Flutter's huge collection of built-in widgets.

The combination of diagrams, code examples, and annotations makes learning a snap. As you go, you’ll appreciate how the author makes easy reading of complex topics like routing, state management, and async programming.
  • Understanding the Flutter approach to the UI
  • All the Dart you need to get started
  • Creating custom animations
  • Testing and debugging


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