Books [Howard Gould] Database Design and Implementation: A Practical Introduction using Oracle SQL, 2 edition



This book uses a simple step by step approach to explain the essential relational database design modelling techniques, and shows how Oracle SQL can be used to implement a database. There are numerous practical exercises with feedback.

Key topics include conceptual modelling using the crow's feet notation and the Unified Modelling Language (UML), logical and physical modelling, normalisation, the structured query language (SQL) and simple application development using APEX forms and reports.

About the Authors
  • Howard Gould is a senior lecturer in computing within the School of Computing, Creative Technologies and Engineering at Leeds Beckett University. He holds an MSc. in Software Engineering and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (FE). He is a member of the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT and became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2007.


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