Books [Joanne Stone] Pregnancy For Dummies 3 edition



Now updated--our bestselling guide to a safe and healthypregnancy

With robust sales and its own four-part cable TV series,Pregnancy For Dummies has been a perennial favorite, givingparents-to-be authoritative, friendly, up-to-date advice on everyaspect of pregnancy and childbirth. This new edition offers all ofthe latest information expecting parents want to know, includingexpanded coverage on the health and well-being of both mother andchild. It takes readers through the first, second, and thirdtrimesters, providing new and updated coverage of prenatal geneticscreening and diagnosis, amniocentesis, new high-tech ultrasounds,and the revised FDA/USDA food pyramid. It also discusses the recentcelebrity trend of "on-demand" cesarean sections, multiple births,what to expect in labor and delivery, postpartum care, choosingbottle or breastfeeding, preparing a home (and siblings) for a newbaby, caring for preemies, and the mother's mental as well asphysical health.

"A thorough, accurate, and highly informative guide."
--Los Angeles Times



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