Books [Kent L. Norman] The Psychology of Menu Selection



Menu selection is emerging as an important mode of human/computer interaction. This text, devoted to the topic, provides detailed theoretical and empirical information of interest to software designers and human/computer interaction specialists and researchers. A theoretical approach to menu is taken by developing a psychological theory of cognitive control by the user. A comprehensive review of empirical research on menu selection is presented in an organized fashion to aid in the design and evaluation of systems. Finally, information is given on how to prototype and evaluate menu selection systems using both performance data and user ratings

About the Authors
  • Kent Norman received his doctorate from the University of Iowa in experimental psychology and is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland. He is the director of the Laboratory for Automation Psychology and Decision Processes (LAPDP) and is a founding member of the Human/Computer Interaction Laboratory (HCIL) in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).


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