Зарубежный материал [Michael E.Gerber] Radical U. Go Beyond E-Myth with Michael E. Gerber in the only Trade School for Entrepreneurs.


Follow the proven 8 step business building system used by the most successful entrepreneurs. You've created your own personal prison, called a small business; over worked, underpaid, with a big serving of daily stress and feeling exhausted instead of fulfilled. It feels more like a job than a business and you can't just walk away.
  • Working 70 - 80 hours per week
  • Experiencing overwhelm
  • High stress and anxiety
  • Little or no vacation time
  • Constantly putting out fire
  • Can't find good help
You've hit a plateau in revenue and stayed there for a few years. You want your revenue to jump up 2X, 3X or higher but that requires more employees, more equipment or more revenue. Each one is risky to try so which comes first?
  • Fluctuating sales i.e. feast or famine
  • Struggling to hit payroll
  • Can't scale the business
  • Stuck in the "Technician+Manager" role
  • Not dominating your market
  • Can't afford to re-invest for growth


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