Books [Roldan Pozo, Ronald Kriemann] C++ Programming for Scientists



This book is designed specifically for today's Scientists, Engineers and Mathematicians with a wealth of new applications and examples taken from real situations involving electrical and structural engineering, fluid mechanics, mathematics, power generation, and heat transfer challenges.

The book starts with a solid foundation in procedural programming before moving into a reorganized, clear presentation of object-oriented concepts. Dynamic case studies, career spotlights and engineering-driven applications showcase the relevance of concepts students are learning to their careers. Helpful tips demonstrate how to avoid common C++ programming errors, while updates ensure that students are learning the most recent C++ code standards.

About the Authors
  • Roldan Pozo is a senior researcher in the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, where he investigates issues in complex networks, high performance computing, and software tools for scientific and numerical problems.


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