Books [Simon Cozens] Beginning Perl



Perl is an immensely popular scripting language that combines the best features of C, key UNIX utilities and a powerful use of regular expressions. It has a wide range of uses beyond simple text processing and is commonly used for web programming - creating and parsing CGI forms, validating HTML syntax and hyperlinks - as well as e-mail and Usenet news filtering. Perl is increasingly the system administrator's scripting language of choice and is used for file and directory manipulation, database access and a whole range of daily system operator chores.

The book promotes the use of Perl as a programming language, encouraging the creation of legible and sensible programs so as to dispel the image of Perl as a confusing and obscure language. In other words: Don't worry, whatever your current experience level in the world of Perl, this book has something for you. It covers both basic and advanced aspects of Perl, Apache modPerl and Perlscript for use with Wintel systems and stresses the cross-platform nature of Perl, with extensive examples and techniques.



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