Development [] Advanced Javascript


What you'll learn
  • Impress interviewers with knowledge about advanced JavaScript features
  • Confidently Interview other JavaScript candidates
  • Pass stage one JavaScript telephone interviews
  • Prepare for working on complex frontend frameworks like React, Vue, Svelte or Angular.
  • A basic understanding of Javascript

In only seven hours you will learn enough JavaScript to transform from a junior javascript developer into a senior javascript guru.

You will dramatically improve your chances of getting past a technical interview, landing that dream job and earning more money.

If you are like me you learnt Javascript by just muddling along, seeing what works and learning a thing or two every day.

However, without a grasp of the deeper fundamentals, you will hit quite a few head scratchy issues, introduce bugs, find it hard to read and understand framework and library code and won’t be considered a senior developer.

This unique course teaches you advanced javascript knowledge through a series of interview questions, with regular quizzes on the way through to cement your knowledge.

What are you going to learn?
  • Types & Equality: The different types in JS and how to check if two values are really equal?
  • Scopes: The different scopes a variable can be declared in and how to manipulate those scopes.
  • Destructuring & Looping: Did you know that JavaScript has for methods of looping over things?
  • This: We have a whole section dedicated to the this keyword. A deep understanding of the this keyword is core to becoming a senior JavaScript developer.
  • Object Orientation: The history of OO in JavaScript from the Prototype Pattern to the Pseudo-Classical/Constructor Pattern all the way to the class syntax introduced in ES6. You need to know the previous patterns to truly understand the current class pattern.
  • Asynchronous Programming: JavaScript power is in its asynchronicity, you will learn all about the pros and cons of callbacks, promises and async/await.
  • Advanced topics in Networking such as CORS and JSONP.
  • Advanced topics in Event Handling such as the different event phases.
Why an interview format?

I find that it's only when I'm facing an upcoming interview that I get into gear and really make sure I have a deep understanding of what I claim to know.

I might know the best practice for how to solve a problem, but do I know why?

Javascript interviews are designed to dig deeper into your knowledge of a subject, see if you are just mimicking what you have read or if you have a proper understanding.

Also, it's FUN, what's more satisfying than learning something, then passing a test!

Who this course is for
  • Maybe it’s been a while since you wrote JS and you want to get a refresher on the latest features.
  • Maybe you just finished another Beginner or Intermediate JavaScript course and want to get to the next level
  • Just about to enter the job market after a career change
  • New graduates coming out of university
  • Maybe your a JS developer looking to change jobs and isn’t looking forward to the interview, I mean who does?

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