Development [Udemy] Learn PHP By Building A Web Application(Result Checking App)



What you'll learn:

  • Query MySql Database with PHP
  • Build a Responsive Web Application with PHP, Bootstrap, Ajax, CSS and HTML
  • You will build an online Student Result Checking Portal
  • you will be able to generate pin and limit the pin to one user in the system
  • How to prevent a student(s) from having access to other students results and many more.
  • Application can be deployed to schools of all sizes.
  • You should have a basic knowledge of PHP but not really required as i will be explaining every code we write all the way.
  • You must have a computer
  • A local server like: XAMPP, WAMP, MAMP or whatever server you use to run PHP and MYSQL is necessary
  • Basic Knowledge of HTML and CSS is a plus but not required.
This course is designed to teach you how to develop an online student result checking portal with PHP. You will learn basic to advanced concepts in PHP, how to make requests to server script using Ajax, manage your layouts with Bootstrap 4 and HTML, style like a PRO with CSS and many more.

Who this course is for:
  • All Levels of PHP Developers

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