Business [Udemy] WordPress Affiliate Marketing Course 2017



What you'll learn:

  • Keyword Research – For Products and SEO Purposes
  • Decide on whether to go Niche Product or General Market
  • Best Plugins Used to Generate Traffic and Ranking Signals
  • How to best optimize your site for search engine rankings.
  • The best tools to help you establish your brand
  • Setup a WordPress Affiliate Site From Start to Finish
  • Some items will cost money but can be cloned to multiple sites.
  • You should have a working computer and desire to learn!
This course will show you exactly what you need to do in order to create a money making affiliate marketing site from start to finish. This course leaves out the fluff and sticks to the hard and valuable methods. Many courses or online articles show you just enough to have taught you something, but none of the secret tools and tricks of the trade that could make you a legitimate competitor, even though there is plenty of business to go around.I will walk you through step by step, click by click on everything you need to think about, consider and do so that by the time you have completed this course, you will have a fully functional site loaded with products and pages pulling in search engine trafffic. Leaving the site as is will make you money after some time, however, I will show what you need to continue doing on a regular basis to increase your SERPS after this course has concluded to continue building your profitability.

I will say now, this course is pretty specifc and uses some tools and or software that costs money. Some are optional, like SEMRUSH, MOZ or Aged Domain Names on Auction Sites while others are pretty firm needs such as the affiliate marketing referral ecommerce system I use. I will only be proposing the use of certain tools I use personally because I know they work.

Affiliate Marketing is a broad base from which an endless variety of methods, tools and platforms can be used. This course will walk you through the details of what has made me money and will for you too.

Thank you and see you on the inside.

Who this course is for:
  • Anyone wanting to learn how to setup a wordpress affiliate marketing site and make money online.

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