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Tcl is a general purpose multi-paradigm system programming language. It is a scripting language that aims at providing the ability for applications to communicate with each other. On the other hand, Tk is a cross platform widget toolkit used for building GUI in many languages. This tutorial covers various topics ranging from the basics of the Tcl/Tk to its scope in various applications.
This tutorial is designed for all those individuals who are looking for a starting point of learning Tcl/Tk. Therefore, we cover all those topics that are required for a beginner and an advanced user.
This book is an introduction to the main ideas of the Tool command language (Tcl): If you wish to learn a simple and powerful programming language, this book is for you. To read this book, the only prior knowledge needed is some basic understanding of programming in any language: from C, to Python, Perl, Lisp, if you understand the meaning of function and variable and other basic concepts you should not experience problems continuing to read.
Why Tcl? Because it's a simple and general programming language, that can be used with success to develop applications in short time. Tcl is a programmable programming language, as you will...
Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk is described as the "bible" for Tcl programmers. It is a guide to the Tcl/Tk programming language and GUI toolkit. This revision includes substantial updates to cover the new version 8.4-giving both an overview of the features, as well as details about every command in the language. The third edition, written on version 8.2, sold over 30,000 copies. Version 8.4 of Tcl - Tool Command Language-provides substantial updates to one of the most popular UNIX scripting languages. The latest release, includes the addition of a virtual filesystem (VFS), many additional programming widgets (spinbox, panedwindow...
John K. Ousterhout’s Definitive Introduction to Tcl/Tk–Now Fully Updated for Tcl/Tk 8.5
Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, Second Edition, is the fastest way for newcomers to master Tcl/Tk and is the most authoritative resource for experienced programmers seeking to gain from Tcl/Tk 8.5’s powerful enhancements. Written by Tcl/Tk creator John K. Ousterhout and top Tcl/Tk trainer Ken Jones, this updated volume provides the same extraordinary clarity and careful organization that made the first edition the world’s number one Tcl/Tk tutorial.
Part I introduces Tcl/Tk through simple scripts that demonstrate its value and offer a flavor of the...
Tool command language (Tcl) is a powerful scripting language with programming features. It is available across Unix, Windows and Mac OS platforms.
This book is a comprehensive guide to the, starts with the basic features, it expands its scope to include the more advanced concepts, facilities and programming idioms from which the language derives its power.
Begin with the basics of Tcl syntax and commands for operating on data.
Get acquainted with the flexible and uniform execution model that enables metaprogramming, custom control structures etc.
Learn to modularize your code with namespaces, object-oriented design and packages...
A completely revised edition of this accessible guide to LATEX document preparation, bringing it up to date with the latest releases and Web ad PC based developments. A Guide to LATEX covers the basics as well as advanced LATEX topics and contains numerous practical examples and handy tips for avoiding problems. It covers the latest LATEX extensions and has been completely updated to cover latest releases and upgrades.
The book explains the LATEX macro package for the TEX text formatting program, presenting a complete description for beginners, going on to more advanced and specialized features. Files for LATEX processing contain...
This book is a friendly introduction to TEX, the powerful typesetting system designed by Donald Knuth. It is addressed primarily to beginners, but it contains much information that will be useful to aspiring TEX 'wizards'.
The book contains a careful explanation of all fundamental concepts and commands, but also a wealth of commented examples and "tricks" based on the authors' long experience with TEX.
Packed with fully explained examples, LaTeX Tutorials: A Primer is a hands-on introduction quickly leading a novice user to professional-quality results.
If you are about to write mathematical or scientific papers, seminar handouts, or even plan to write a thesis, then this book offers you a fast-paced and practical introduction. Particularly during studying in school and university you will benefit much, as a mathematician or physicist as well as an engineer or a humanist.
Everybody with high expectations who plans to write a paper or a book will be delighted by this stable software.
This book presents LaTeX, 2nd Edition, the current "industry standard", which combines LaTeX with AMS-LaTeX.
Math into LaTeX provides and excellent introduction to typesetting math in LaTeX for technical documents, web pages and books.
The book provides a short introduction to the overall use of LaTeX. This section is not the most exhaustive text on the topic, but provides all the fundamental information for a user start preparing a LaTeX document, assuming the user has LaTeX installed and has some basic knowledge of creating LaTeX documents.
The book's core provides numerous useful details and examples of how to typeset math...
A completely revised edition of this accessible guide to LaTeX document preparation, bringing it up to date with the latest releases and Web ad PC based developments. This book covers the basics as well as advanced LaTeX topics and contains numerous practical examples and handy tips for avoiding problems. It covers the latest LaTeX extensions and has been completely updated to cover latest releases and upgrades. The book explains the LaTeX macro package for the TeX text formatting program, presenting a complete description for beginners, going on to more advanced and specialized features. Files for LATEX processing contain the actual...
This book is self teaching guide to LaTeX. LaTeX is a very powerful freely distributable software package that allows sophisticated typesetting. It is especially popular for documents containing mathematical formulae. This book starts at the absolute beginner level and takes you to an advanced level. Expert users will also find the book a useful reference.
LaTeX is a free, automated state-of-the-art typesetting system. This book teaches all the ins and outs of LaTeX which are needed to write an article, report, thesis, or book. The book teaches by example, giving many worked out examples showing input and output side by side. The book presents the most recent techniques for presenting data plots, complex graphics, and computer presentations, but does not require previous knowledge. However, it is also a reference for the more seasoned user, with pointers to modern techniques and packages. Recurring themes in the book are consistent and effective presentation, planning and development...
TeX is a powerful tool for creating professional quality typeset text and is unsurpassed at typesetting mathematical equations, scientific text, and multiple languages. Many books describe how you use TeX to construct sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. Until now, no book has described all the software that actually lets you build, run, and use TeX to best advantage on your platform. Because creating a TeX document requires the use of many tools, this lack of information is a serious problem for TeX users.TeX is increasing in popularity, and the need for information is becoming more critical. Many technical journals now request that...
For all TeX users who want to learn to program complicated macros themselves, TeX By Topic is an invaluable resource. The book is packed with highly original, practical, and useful ideas along with detailed explanations of the mechanisms underlying each TeX macro. Includes a thorough cross reference system.
This book shows you how to begin using LaTeX to create high-quality documents. The book also serves as a handy reference for all LaTeX users. In this completely revised edition, the authors cover the LaTeX2e standard and offer more details, examples, exercises, tips, and tricks. They go beyond the core installation to describe the key contributed packages that have become essential to LaTeX processing.
If you want to learn how to write your documents with LaTeX, this introduction is for you. It is not about setting up a LaTeX system. While it is not as comprehensive as Lamport's book, it should be sufficient in most cases...
If you're looking for an in-depth reference on all aspects of designing and building a site and taking it live, Web Design All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the book.
Монтаж YouTube Shorts в CapCut. Модуль 2 [boosty] [Юрий Волгин]
Хола, амигос! Это десятиминутная демо-версия модуля №2, в котором я делюсь своим опытом, и показываю, как монтировать YouTube Shorts в CapCut от А до Я так, чтобы в итоге такой Шортс удерживал внимание зрителей и протаскивал ролик в рекомендации.
Берем: Полная версия (платная 49-минутная)
Инструкция по монтажу YouTube Shorts в программе CapCut. Модуль №2.
Об авторе:
Юрий Волгин. про Ютуб на Ютубе
Хола, амигос! Здесь мои публикации, которые помогут вам продвинуться и заработать на YouTube.
Инструкция по созданию YouTube Shorts. Модуль 1 [boosty] [Юрий Волгин]
Хола, амигос! Это девятиминутная демо-версия модуля №1, в котором я делюсь своим опытом, и по каждой секунде рассказываю и показываю, чем и как нужно наполнять ваш YouTube Shorts, чтобы он получил высокое удержание и минимум полистываний.
Берем: Полная версия (платная 47-минутная)
Посекундная инструкция, как собрать YouTube Shorts, чтобы он набрал просмотры.
Модуль 1 - сценарий, как зацепить, как попасть в рекомендации.
Об авторе:
Юрий Волгин. про Ютуб на Ютубе
Хола, амигос! Здесь мои публикации, которые помогут вам продвинуться и заработать на YouTube...
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Татьяны Сахарчук
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