Books  [Dick Grune, Ceriel J.H. Jacobs] Parsing Techniques: A Practical Guide

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Parsing, also referred to as syntax analysis, has been and continues to be an essential part of computer science and linguistics. Today, parsing techniques are also implemented in a number of other disciplines, including but not limited to, document preparation and conversion, typesetting chemical formulae, and chromosome recognition.

This second edition presents new developments and discoveries that have been made in the field. Parsing techniques have grown considerably in importance, both in computational linguistics where such parsers are the only option, and computer science, where advanced compilers often use general CF...

Books  [David Gries] Monographs in Computer Science

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This is the very first book to discuss the theory and principles of computer programming on the basis of the idea that a proof of correctness and a program should be developed hand in hand. It is built around the method first proposed by Dijkstra in his monograph The Discipline of Programming (1976), involving a "calculus for the derivation of programs." Directing his materials to the computer programmer with at least one year of experience, Gries presents explicit principles behind program development, and then leads the reader through example programs using those principles. Propositions and predicate calculus are presented as a...

Books  [Pierre-Louis Curien] Category Theory: A Programming Language Oriented Introduction

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This book explains the following topics: Categories, functors, natural transformations, String diagrams, Kan extensions, Algebras, coalgebras, bialgebras, Lambda-calculus and categories.



Books  [Douglas Thain] Introduction to Compilers and Language Design

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A compiler translates a program written in a high level language into a program written in a lower level language. For students of computer science, building a compiler from scratch is a rite of passage: a challenging and fun project that offers insight into many different aspects of computer science, some deeply theoretical, and others highly practical. This book offers a one semester introduction into compiler construction, enabling the reader to build a simple compiler that accepts a C-like language and translates it into working X86 or ARM assembly language. It is most suitable for undergraduate students who have some experience...

Books  [Shriram Krishnamurthi] Programming and Programming Languages

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Many people would regard this as being two books in one, integrated. One book is an introduction to programming, teaching you basic concepts of organizing data and the programs that operate over them, ending in the investigation of universally useful algorithms. The other book is an introduction to programming languages: a study, from one level up, of the media by which we structure these data and programs.

About the Authors
  • Shriram Krishnamurthi is a computer scientist, currently a professor of computer science at Brown University and a member of the core development group for the Racket programming languages...

Books  [Aarne Ranta] Implementing Programming Languages: An Introduction to Compilers and Interpreters

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Implementing a programming language means bridging the gap from the programmer's high-level thinking to the machine's zeros and ones. If this is done in an efficient and reliable way, programmers can concentrate on the actual problems they have to solve, rather than on the details of machines. But understanding the whole chain from languages to machines is still an essential part of the training of any serious programmer. It will result in a more competent programmer, who will moreover be able to develop new languages. A new language is often the best way to solve a problem, and less difficult than it may sound. This book follows a...

Books  [Raphael A. Finkel] Advanced Programming Language Design

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This accessible new volume examines and evaluates the principles of programming languages from both their common and language-specific elements. Each chapter is devoted to a particular programming language issue. These issues are illustrated with an example from one of the many programming languages used today.



Books  [Andreas Hohmann] Programming Languages at a Glance

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This book tries to explain a number of programming languages, covering a wide range from currently popular ones such as Java, Perl, Python, and C# to less known languages such as ML, Haskell.

There is one key requirement: the language has to be available for free (or otherwise I could not afford writing this book). We don’t expect a full blown IDE; a good set of command line tools is just as fine. Fortunately, this requirement is fulfilled by most languages these days, since they don’t stand a chance otherwise. In many cases, even a free IDE is available (e.g., Eclipse for Java or Smalltalk/X)


Books  [Shriram Krishnamurthi] Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation

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This book unites two approaches to teaching programming languages, one based on a survey of languages and the other on writing definitional interpreters. It has been used as a textbook at over fifty institutions worldwide, and is referenced by non-academic users on the Web. You can learn about the differences between versions, and get the accompanying software, from the book's Web site ( You can get the same PDF version of the book, free of cost, from its Web site. This is to give you a choice: if you want to pay the author, get it from here; if you don't (or can't afford to), get it for free from there. Note...

Books  [Vassili Kaplan] Implementing a Custom Language Succinctly

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Custom languages provide many benefits, but many people fear the complexity that comes with trying to deploy them. Author Vassili Kaplan sweeps away the obstacles and shows how custom languages are a tool within reach of any developer. With Implementing a Custom Language Succinctly, readers will discover just how much they can accomplish with the skills they already have.



Books  [Robert Sebesta] Concepts of Programming Languages 10th Edition

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For courses in computer programming.

Evaluating the Fundamentals of Computer Programming Languages

Concepts of Computer Programming Languages introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computer programming languages and provides them with the tools necessary to evaluate contemporary and future languages. An in-depth discussion of programming language structures, such as syntax and lexical and syntactic analysis, also prepares readers to study compiler design.

The Eleventh Edition maintains an up-to-date discussion on the topic with the removal of outdated languages such as Ada and Fortran. The addition of relevant new...

Books  [Mike Grant, Zachary Palmer, Scott Smith] Principles of Programming Languages

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Kenneth Louden and Kenneth Lambert's new edition of PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, 3E gives advanced undergraduate students an overview of programming languages through general principles combined with details about many modern languages. Major languages used in this edition include C, C++, Smalltalk, Java, Ada, ML, Haskell, Scheme, and Prolog; many other languages are discussed more briefly. The text also contains extensive coverage of implementation issues, the theoretical foundations of programming languages, and a large number of exercises, making it the perfect bridge to compiler courses and to the theoretical...

Books  [Apple Developers] The Swift Programming Language

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Swift is a new programming language for creating iOS and OS X apps. Swift builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun. Swift's clean slate, backed by the mature and much-loved Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, is an opportunity to reimagine how software development works.

This book provides:
  • A tour of the language.
  • A detailed guide delving into each language feature.
  • A formal reference for the language.

Скрипты и программы  360Proxy Stable and cheap resident agent!

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More than 80 million real residential IP addresses, covering more than 190 locations around the world.

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Books  [Steven Holzner] Sams Teach Yourself XML in 21 Days

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Sams Teach Yourself XML in 21 Days, written by expert author Steve Holzner, offers hundreds of real-world examples demonstrating the uses of XML and the newest tools developers need to make the most of it. In Week One, he starts from basic syntax, and discusses XML document structure, document types, and the benefits of XML Schema. Week Two covers formatting using either CSS or the Extensible Sytlesheet Language, and working with XHTML and other tools for presenting XML data on the Web, or in multimedia applications. The final chapter of week two discusses XForms, the newest way to process forms in XML applications. Week Three...

Books  [O'Reilly] The XML CD Bookshelf, Version 1.0 - 7 Bestselling Books

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O'Reilly's "XML CD Bookshelf" provides convenient online access to seven indispensable XML books - over 3,000 pages of useful O'Reilly reference and tutorials. It contains:
  • XML in a Nutshell, Second Edition
  • XSLT
  • XML Schema
  • SAX2
  • Java & XML, Second Edition
  • Java and XSLT
  • Perl & XML


Books  [Norman Walsh, Richard Hamilton] DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide: The Official Documentation for DocBook

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If you need a reliable tool for technical documentation, this clear and concise reference will help you take advantage of DocBook, the popular XML schema originally developed to document computer and hardware projects. DocBook 5.0 has been expanded and simplified to address documentation needs in other fields, and it's quickly becoming the tool of choice for many content providers.

DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide is the complete, official documentation of DocBook 5.0. You'll find everything you need to know to use DocBook 5.0's features-including its improved content model-whether you're new to DocBook or an experienced user of...

Books  [Wouter van Vugt] Open XML Explained

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In this book you will be provided a detailed overview of the three major markup languages in Open XML. This book is written for those who have a basic understanding of XML or HTML. If you are a software architect or developer who needs to build document-centric solutions you can learn about how to build your value-added solutions based on the Open XML platform. Those new to document markup languages as well as those more experienced in document markup but new to Open XML will benefit from this book.



Books  [Norman Walsh] A Technical Introduction to XML

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This introduction to XML presents the Extensible Markup Language at a reasonably technical level for anyone interested in learning more about structured documents. In addition to covering the XML 1.0 Specification, this article outlines related XML specifications, which are evolving.



Books  [G. Ken Holman] Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath

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In Definitive XSLT and XPath, a leader in the XSLT/XPath standards community delivers authoritative, concise coverage of these vital W3C specifications. Master the XPath data model and XSLT transformation environment; stylesheet management; process control; advanced expressions; sorting; grouping; and key points to cover with tool vendors.



Books  [Wikibooks Contributors] XML - Managing Data Exchange

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eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a widely-used computer language for creating and designing pages on the web and for defining other languages with more specialized purposes.

The XML language has become the standard for writing documents on the Internet and is constantly improving and evolving.

This book provides a detailed description of XML, its origins, its programming, and its uses on the Internet today. This book also provides exercises with which to test the knowledge you have gained through the deliberate study of its contents.


Books  [Tutorialspoint] UML Tutorial

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Essential skills for first-time programmers! This easy-to-use book explains the fundamentals of Unified Modeling Language (UML). You'll learn to read, draw, and use this visual modeling language to create clear and effective blueprints for software development projects. The modular approach of this series--including drills, sample projects, and mastery checks--makes it easy to learn to use this powerful programming language at your own pace.



Books  [Howard Podeswa] The Business Analyst's Handbook

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The Business Analyst (BA) plays an important role as liaison between business stakeholders and the technical team (software developers, vendors, etc.), ensuring that business needs are reflected in any software solution. Despite the importance of the job, there is currently no book specifically designed as a comprehensive reference manual for the working BA. The Business Analyst's Handbook solves this problem by providing a useful compendium of tools, tables, lists, and templates that BAs can use on-the-job to carry out their tasks. For example, you might be preparing for an interview session and use the book's checklist of...

Books  [Howard Podeswa] UML For The IT Business Analyst

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Today, information-technology business analysts are often working on object-oriented (OO), Unified Modeling Language (UML) projects, yet they have a long way to go to exploit the technology beyond the adoption of use cases (just one part of the UML). This book explains how, as an IT business analyst, you can pull together all of the UML tools and fully utilize them during your IT project. Rather than approaching this topic theoretically, you will actually learn by doing: A case study takes you through the entire book, helping you to develop and validate the requirements for an IT system step by step. Whether you are a new IT business...

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  • Prism
    Супер-крутой материал! Невероятно интересно. Не скучный экскурс в историю, слушала с открытым ртом. Много нового и полезного (я только начинаю изучать нейросети). Автор сложные моменты рассказывает под разным соусом, поймет даже бабушка. Смотрите, не пожалеете. Спасибо за материал, кайфанула!
  • luciferionz
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    Нормальный Курс без воды - единственный плюс, четко техническим языком поставлена речь, это навык данный ВУЗом и знаниями и не более! Только учтите Автор не учит работать в AutoCAD и SCAD , показывает лишь свою работу и процесс при формировании документации и примитивный расчет узла базы Колонн! Как выполняется построение самой 3D модели с параметрическими узлами - автор не показывает ссылаясь на сторонние видео уроки на ютубе по изучению программ, как и сбор нагрузок тоже не показывает! В обучении уже готовая расчетная и опорная модель и его безконечные бла-бла-бла ! В общем все эти знания вы получаете на факультете ПГС! Курс создан и показывает практику разработки МК и не более, для новичков или у кого вообще нет профильного ПГС высшего образования! Данного курса не достаточно для самостоятельного проектирования Металлических Конструкций! Мое личное и не навязчивое мнение - Автор лукавит о ценности курса - чтобы его продать! Программа курса написана - громкими словами, а по факту лишь бла-бла-бла!
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  • Kettirinka
    Курс называется "Растим гения", а в начале обучения автор говорит, что взяла эту информацию из центра, где работают со сложными детьми (с отставание в развитии). Где в её курсе система - мне не очень понятно. Автор записала видео со своей дочкой, которая манерничает перед камерой, а мама на кадром умиляется. Описания упражнений не даны, а из видео с ребёнком не всегда понятны. Качество видео хорошее, есть даже какие-то раздаточные материалы. Ну, какие-то идеи можно из видео почерпнуть, если человек давно в теме. Но есть и откровенные ошибки. Поэтому курс в целом не рекомендую.